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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Shane!!! Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes. Brenda, now known as Peanut, is the best companion I could ever ask for! Very loyal, loving, playful, and just makes my day 1000x better!! I’ll attach some photos and videos of my baby, enjoy! And please never hesitate to contact me for more updates! Best, Maryam.

Hi Shane, Another year already!! Jeez where does the time go?! Kelvin is happy and healthy I’m pleased to report. And the best COVID-19 lock down friend anyone could ever ask for. We enjoyed his birthday by going to the beach and nap time with his unicorn pyjamas! We are very happy together, in love and the best adventure buddies...

Hi Steve & Eddie. Mercy is a lovely girl and I'm just delighted to be a dog owner again - think she'll be getting house clean in coming week. She's becoming attached - follows me to bathroom and kitchen - even if just 2 minutes, she prefers to be very close. She also loves snuggling up in her sleep if...

I have seven cavaliers and have been breeding dogs for awhile. When I found Sandor on the web site I really liked the quality of the dogs he had for sale.I bought two solids from him. I was worried about flying them so far, but they did great.I think buying two made the flight easier then buying one. The airline...

Maryam Alawadhi

Kuwait, Kuwait

Lucy Casey

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Camilla Skovgaard

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Cynthia Hudak

Seneca, United States