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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve, Here are some pictures of Hooch(Dragon) He is an amazing dog, very loving and playful. We are so happy with him. Thank you very much. All the best Profound regards Yousef

Eddie, We are so sorry that it took us so long to send an update on Bill with pictures. We renamed him Captain and are absolutely loving having him as our puppy! He is pure entertainment and everyone that meets him can't help but come up and pet him. We just wanted to thank you again for helping us get...

Hi Shane, Thanks for acknowledging Topfull (Willem’s) birthday! He is growing into a sweet boy 🐾 Attached are some recent pics of Willem

Dear Shane, Thank you for your birthday wishes to our Miki!! In short way saying, we could not ask for better puppy. Whole family adores him!! We could not imagine life without him!! His face of kindness softness.. his barking (which we are working on to reduce) everything we love about him!!  He loves to play with balls.. bigger better outside...

Yousef Omer Fittiani

Amman, Jordan

Aaron Haselhorst

Tuscola, United States

Barry Van den Hoven

Amsterdam , Netherlands


Vantaa , Finland