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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie, Its Jenny. Tux made it safe and sound. He is adorable, and such a good boy, I wish we could afford his brother Baltasar too. He already did his no. 2 outside! Paul was great, I feel bad for him with his long trip, wanted to give him some lunch and coffee but he had 3 more pups...

Good morning Shane! Thank you for the birthday wishes for Oscar! We are truly blessed to have him as a part of our family. We fell in love with him since the first day and I can not put in words the love, happiness and joy he brings to our family. He is a playful, smart, loving and happy dog,...

Hi Steve Uncle, I am Supratim,s son. Dear Steve Poppins is doing great he has settled in very well he is being very naughty and chewing eevrywhere he listens to all of us and sleeps the whole day. Here are some pictures

Hi Steve, As promised, here are some photos of Angel, now named Sophie. She has settled in wonderfully with us, and with our other Maltese, Dusty, who we also bought from Europuppy two years ago. They have been playing together so well. Sophie visited the vet today and, unsurprisingly, was given a clean bill of health. The vet was very...

Jennifer & Francois Methot

Krefeld, Germany

Diana and Luis

Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Supratim Chatterjee

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Carlee Jean Brown

Doha, Qatar