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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Check this pup out. Doubled his weight to twenty pounds in nineteen days! Housebroken since the third day, he iis magnificent. Thank you Euro Puppy :-)

Dear Lasheika, Apologies for the delay in getting back to you and thank you for Enzo’s birthday wishes. We remember exactly how he looked like when he first joined our family and he will always be that baby. We’ve had a new addition to our family - our son who’s one year old and Enzo has always been so sweet...

Hi Steve, Billy has reached safe and sound :) we're calling him Flash. We took him to the vet yesterday the precious thing is doing really well. Thank you sooo much for everything Steve! Kind Regards, Manju

Hello Mario, Let me say that our new puppy is great, he is a very loving dog. We have named him Buccaneer, Buc for short. I'm very pleased with the whole experience of getting this dog from you. We took him to the vet and we are happy to know that our vet said he was healthy, I've attached the...

Mario S. Tabraue

Miami, United States

Nicole Bassit

Muscat, Oman

Manju Mathew

Salwa, Kuwait

Adam Lee Lemonde

Ft. Myers, United States