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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Mario,Just wanted to pass along a picture of Argos the St Bernard. My family and I are extremely happy with him. His name is Bearon von Meatloaf but, we call him Bear for short. If you can every forward on to the breeder that they did an excellent job of socializing him and training him we would appreciate it. Thanks...

Hi Mario,Here is a picture of our beautiful Bolognese puppy "Daisy". She is an absolute joy and is so full of fun. She arrived at our home after a long flight to Qatar, and bounded out of her crate, tail wagging ready to play. She is so funny, she grabs her toys and runs like crazy around the room wanting...

Dear Lasheika, Apologies for the delay in getting back to you and thank you for Enzo’s birthday wishes. We remember exactly how he looked like when he first joined our family and he will always be that baby. We’ve had a new addition to our family - our son who’s one year old and Enzo has always been so sweet...

Hello dear, I love him so much 😍 he makes me happy every day when I come back from work and find him waiting for me and excited that I’m home. I sent you photos hopefully you and the breeder like it .. thanks for the birthday wishes 🎉

Ines C. Borrmann

Schenectady, United States

Richard Leach

Doha, Qatar

Nicole Bassit

Muscat, Oman

Heidi Sarofim

Chicago, United States