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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie,Sorry for getting back to you so late i am traveling for the summer vacation. i do have pictures of the male GSD since he's with me. the female is with a friend of mine i'll ask him to send me pictures of her. My male has one droopy ear it never went up here are his pictures hope...

Hi Akos, Here is a photo of our gorgeous girl on her birthday. She is our dream dog! Sweet and gentle with our kids, smart and easy to train. We love her so much! Thanks for all your help in bringing her to us! Best, Caron

Dear Steve Charley arrived safely yesterday morning, he was surprisingly alert and playful and was very happy to get out of his crate and see us! He did not sleep all day and just wants to play, he follows us everywhere and we are very happy as he is cute and funny. He has visited the vets today and has...

Hello Eddie.Angel becomes more and more nice and sweet. Everybody tells us how much they like her, and how beautifull she is.Angel is growing a lot , she has a little red coat, it is already to small, today I'm gonna by her bigger one, and shes realy mummys girl.My bestLiselotte

Mashael Muteb Al-saus

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Anita Markiewicz

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Liselotte Berthelsen

Roskilde, Denmark