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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Sandor,I wanted to share some new pictures of Dollie with you and the breeder. These were taken within the last week.She is such a doll! Very sweet and so willing to please! We are still in the ear wrapping process, but it shouldn't take much longer. When it's complete, I'll send more pictures!Thanks again so much for all your...

Hi Shane! Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes! My god she’s grown up so much, Time flies eh! Sasha is doing wonderful 😬 We will celebrate her birthday today with a doggy party and lots of doggy cakes and treats. I’ve attached some photos and videos for your pleasure :) thanks again for getting in touch!

Beesly is the most wonderful, incredible dog I have ever met. He's so well behaved, intelligent, and he truly puts a smile on the face of EVERYONE that comes into contact with him.  We have actually delayed getting a second dog because of how perfect Beesly is haha, there's just no way another dog could compare. My wife is in...

Good morning Shane, Yes we are excited to celebrate Guinness’ birthday today! We renamed her after we got her because of her colors. She is happy and healthy and has been to Spain and the United States in the last year. She loves her walks next to the lake in Switzerland and she also enjoys learning about snow and chasing her...

Rachel Gehring

Elk, United States

Ahmad Bernieh

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Kaiserslautern , Germany


Pully, Switzerland