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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie, Just wanted to share with you some pictures of Ducheess (now Ruperta) I don't know if you remember but you sent her to Panamá last year, she has been the best dog ever, my best fríend with the best personality, loves the beach and has a lot of labrador and pug friends. I am sending you these pictures and...

Hello Steve. This is just to inform that we received the dog. Thanks for your support. Best regards. Jorge Moreno

He had been a real joy and is very funny, strong-willed, smart, a great smuggler, fierce protector and everyone who meets him immediately finds the unique characteristics that draws you towards him. I am glad that I found Euro Puppy and ultimately found Claude. Thanks! Happy 6th Birthday Claude! Darren M Fayard

i just wrote you a message and i might have sent it before i was if you get this twice sorry. just wanted to thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! she's here and she's perfect. i couldn't be happier, and she's even cuter than her photo!!!!! she's a doll. i just adore her!!!! get this too, while i was waiting i ran into...

Gabriela Moreno Lara Barragán

Panama City, Panama

Jorge Moreno

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Darren M. Fayard

Atlanta, United States

Heather Bannister

Washington D.C., United States