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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Shane, Thank you for the greetings for Empress. Empress is always adorable & lovely, not to mention her naughty behaviour, lol. She likes chasing birds & keeps exploring everything around her. She has made some doggie friends here. The most she hates is blow-dry after bath, lol. I always want to thank you all & the breeders for all...

Hi Tibor The puppy made it safely. He's had a good first day although he's tired from the travel. I've added a few photos. Please share with the breeder to let them know he is safe and loved. Daniel

Dear Lasheika Campbel, I was so lucky to Have Sheba, a beautiful Rottweiler, intelligent, loyal, strong yet soft. I am enjoying her training as she shows big potential. Thanks again

Hi Eddie, I Just wanted to let you know, i received his pedigree papers today via fed ex, i still cant believe how easy the whole process of buying a dog was, and how beautiful eddie is, the Breeder is remarkable, you cant ask for a better dog and friend, please let them know how happy i am with their...

Rosanna Wong

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Daniel Nelson

Oman, Oman

Abdelkarim Alrashid

Amman, Jordan

Hassan Kayali

Doha, Qatar