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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Marta,Sorry for the delay in the email --work and the puppy, whose name is now Laith, have been keeping me busy lately. I'm attaching some photos from our camping trip in southern Germany this weekend -- Laith absolutely loved it -- he has a thing for sleeping in a tent and playing with sticks and leaves! He's becoming a very...

Hi Eddie, Hope all is great. Just wanted to update you on Bella. What a dog?! She's now almost eight months old and looks stunning. She has a unique character and has added a lot to our family. Thank you for everything. Attaching some photos and a video clip. By the way, many people are asking me where I got...

Hi Eddie, Sorry I'm late responding to your email. Hamlet has been wonderful! I think he is a very happy puppy! Our family adores him! Here is a picture we took of him in our back yard! I will send you some more as he grows! I completed the survey for you as well. Thanks for all your help, Todd

Hi, she is doing great, we are now living in Oklahoma and she’s loving it as we live out in the country and she gets to roam around freely. She loves “her kids” our 4 1/2 year old and 1 year old boys.

Kristin Morrow

Wiesbaden, Germany

Tarik Zarroug

Doha, Qatar

Todd & Nancy Stanfield

Knoxville, United States

Brandi Thull

Reisach, Germany