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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Mario,Here is a picture of our beautiful Bolognese puppy "Daisy". She is an absolute joy and is so full of fun. She arrived at our home after a long flight to Qatar, and bounded out of her crate, tail wagging ready to play. She is so funny, she grabs her toys and runs like crazy around the room wanting...

Hi Marta,We have so much enjoyment and pleasure from our Sammi. He is the perfect dog. Everyone who meets him just loves him and can't resist to play with him. He is very very sociable with other dogs and people and just looks for them to come out when he is walked and play with him.We are so happy that...

Dear All, Molly (now Doris) arrived safe and sound around 2am this morning, if a bit shaken from her trip - she is beautiful and really curious! Had to stay with her all night to keep her calm so work will be a struggle today! However, Cathy tells me Doris fell asleep the minute I walked out the door this...

We renamed Sergent Maximus when we got him. He is doing great he’s a healthy 165 pounds and loves his family. He is honestly the best dog we have ever had. Please let the breader know.

Richard Leach

Doha, Qatar

Irma and Donald Levenson

New York, United States

Enda Murphy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Megan Clark

New York, United States