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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Sandor,White Fire who we named Diego is a joy. We could not have asked for a better puppy. He is already potty trained and knows several tricks. He loves walks and playing with the family. He is very happy in his home and has became extremely attached to us.Thanks again for all your help choosing this wonderful puppy. Please...

Dear Monika,I can't tell you how pleased I am with Isabella. She did so well after such a long trip, it's amazing. Although she was very tired, she was very accepting of her new family and her new surroundings. Today she is perking up and running around with her new brother, our Black Russian. Isabella is absolutely beautiful and the...

Hello Steve, The puppy just arrived two hours ago, she is happy and playing after such a long trip. She came with all the passports and pedigree. Thank you very much for your service and happy holidays. Hebah.

Eddie,I just wanted to let you know we received both of them and they are still exploring and very excited.Our children were out of their skins with happiness. Oracle is a real little busy body and Halle Berry is very lovable and loves to cuddle.Thank you once again for all your assistance.I'll send some pictures soon.Eunice

Walter Jara

Quincy, United States

Diane Lerman

Monte Sereno, United States

Hebah Al Sharqawi

Shaab, Kuwait

Eunice C. Ferreira

Geneva, Switzerland