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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi guysCheckers arrived last night he was fine except for a cut across thebridge of his nose with some fur missing otherwise he was full of beans andkept us up until 2am and woke again at 4. I feel like a new mum again!! Heis beautiful though!! A big thanks to all the team and I will send some picstomorrow...

Hi Mario:My husband and I purchased a male Rottweiler puppy from you in October of 2006. We just wanted to share with you how he has grown and what he looks like today, a year and a half old.Troy is a very happy, healthy, gorgeous Rottie. Everywhere we go, people always stop us and comment on how beautiful he is...

Hi Sandor,My girl is just as cute as can be. We all love her and she loves us more..........I am sending you a couple of pictures of her to pass on to the breeder. Thank you for passing them along to the breeder. I am looking for a show/breed male that isn't related to my female.Thanks for your help............Belinda

Hi Steve, How are you ! Nostalgia is so cutie! we are in love with her. She is very well, has already adapted to the house, she loves to sleep with my daughter, and we are very happy that's she is with us Here some pictures of her. Thank you, Kind Regards, Rosana Becker

Carol & Andrew Wagner

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Mike & Linda Bordy

Redwood City, United States

Belinda Geesey

Narvon, United States

Rosana Oliveira Becker

Doha, Qatar