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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Lasheika, Thanks for the celebration! Pochi has brought my family so much joy! He bonds with us so well and I never regretted having him in my family.

Sandor,I just wanted to take some time to thank you for providing the service that you provide. Your company's level of communication is excellent and was very encouraging throughout the process. I will definitely recommend you to anyone and everyone who asks me about Dolce as well as anyone looking for any breed. I want to thank you for the...

Mario-I just wanted to thank you again for helping with the process of getting my baby home! Dante, as we call him, is doing very well. His ears were cropped about three weeks ago and have healed very nicely. He is almost 5 months and is 65 lbs- and I'm keeping him pretty thin right now! He is doing great...

Hello Shane, Thank you for reaching out! We would be happy to share. Otis joined us first from EuroPuppy and then Tucker; they are a year apart. They are banded brothers, they go for long hikes, walks together and they love to chase each other and play tug of war with their toys. Both of them are so different and...

Jeremy Huang

Bellevue , United States

Carlos R. Jimenez

Elkton, United States

Alysha Forsythe

Acworth, United States


Hong Kong, Hong Kong