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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

SandorThese are some pictures I got at the show a week ago.Best of Breed is Ch Alszegi Villam Bosco, I call him Rudy.He is from Villam Zoltan.The black and silver male is one of Rudy's pupsThe Sable male is 7 months old and is one of Rudy's andout of another female I got through you.Juanita

Dear Shane, Thank you for the birthday wishes for Oswald. Here are a few recent pics of him. The one with his bow tie was taken this morning. He is doing great and loves living with 2 other dogs and a cat. All the best, Erika and Curt Clements

Zippy is GREAT! We're having a lot of fun with him. He is the best thing that happen to us. You can find some recent pictures of him. Thank you so much for this wonderful puppy! I will recommend Euro Puppy to everyone with great pleasure! Best regards, Maja Peković, Fürth, Germany

Dear Gàbor and Gina, Thank you for your email last week. I'm sorry I've taken so long to reply, but little Chewbacca is keeping us all busy . I wanted to write to you both to thank you for all the help you have given us since we contacted you about buying our puppy. You have both been fantastic and the...

Juanita Kimbrough

Drexel, United States

Erika Clements

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Maja Pekovic

Fürth, Germany

Lisa Marshall

Zug, Switzerland