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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Mario,Just wanted to touch base since we bought our female. She loves her new home in Ventura CALIF. We named her Ginger. Dexter (our male) was very excited to have a play mate and they still to this day sleep together and play around the yard. They each have their own bed but she likes to crowd his like she...

Hi Shane, Lovely to hear from you again! Frodo has finally moved out from sandy Qatar and is now in our home country in Jakarta, Indonesia and he is having the time of his life exploring all the new smells :) Here are a few pictures and videos of Frodo from this year. You'd be happy to hear that he...

Hi Eddie, I am sending you pictures for your references. I have to say that we really love Curacao. He is so nice, friendly and he is always behind me ang going everywhere with me! Curacao is a very fast learner. In a very short time he learned commands: sit, lie down, roll over, spin, stay, giv me five, give...

Hi Eddie, Its carla, wanted to let u know that twix (previous darcy) is doing fine, a very playfull and sweet dog. We get him a trainer to help us in the training, though he doesn't listen much to us! It will workout eventually, the kids love him and spoil him. Will follow with some more pictures. Regards, Carla Tabet

Sally & Mark Ramos

Ventura, United States

Raymond Sundramurti

Jarkata, Indonesia

Sandra Verč

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Paul & Carlita Tabet

Dubai, United Arab Emirates