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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

I took Bella to the vet on Saturday and she got a clean bill of health. She is in excellent condition and has adjusted wonderfully to our family and the other dogs. Thanks for all of your assistance in getting Bella to us - WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER. She is already spoiled rotten. My kids don't seem to understand that...

Eddie, The boys made it home fine & all is well. Forgot how tiring a puppy can be! He is fitting in perfectly! Thank you, Dawn Gonzalez Encinitas, California CA

Hi there, Thank you so much for sending him. Here he is with all his brothers and sisters. He is a mummy's boy and only walks with me, I love him and he is very special boy. Called Bodhi now as my baby Buddha. Wonderful boy. Nicola

Hello Sandor, Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate you sending us this wonderful Golden Retriever. "Montgomery" is his call name. He has adjusted to life here in the states wonderfully. He has caught the eye of many folks in our area, all saying what a beautiful pup he is. Thought I'd...

Denise & Ross Hubbard

White Marsh, United States

Teresa Dawn & Edward Gonzalez

Los Angeles, United States

Nicola Moore

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jan Renee Grasso

Washington D.C., United States