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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve!! Daryl and I meant to do this sooner but we kept forgetting to...here are some pictures of Hadouken. We saw on the side "references" of people's comments of your guys service and we were hoping to be a part of that because we have lots of good things to say!! Also, we are so happy with Hadouken we...

Dear Shane, We are thrilled to show you Manny at three years old. We thank you for the joy you brought us, and please convey all our thanks to the kennel's owner. Maybe next year we'll ask for your help to find Manny a pair. Kind Regards, Cristina,Sorin and Rares MIHAI

Hi Eddie, We first contacted Europuppy three years ago. Since then Euro Puppy (mainly Sandor and yourself) have seen us through a lot of the highs and lows of dog ownership, for which we are greatful. This is why we came back for our new puppy. We collected 'Milo' last night, even the vet was watching for John's reaction, he...

Hello Steve, Attila is simply Amazing and well behaved while I'm doing basic trainings.. My family are loving him and he has a nice and gentle personality! I am so happy to have him as a new family member and I'm taking good care of him and my trainer told me that he already shows signs of being trained on...

Dania Bonjoc

New York, United States


Ploiesti , Romania

Karen Barkas & John Ord

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Ahmed A. Latif Al Azemi

Kuwait, Kuwait