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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Steve, Oregon (Orie for short, formerly Snow Storm) arrived safely with all his paperwork. Thank you very much he is a very beautiful boy. Have a great summer

Hi! He has been great! We are really happy with how he has developed. He was really shy for the first few months. Very protective (or scared) of new people entering the home. Now, he is so playful! He will take his ball to friends who visit our home, sit and wait for them to throw the ball for him...

lulu is great we love her so much she has a great personality here are some pics of our LULU :)

Hi, Steve and Eddie Attached is the recent photo of Checkers. We love him so much and wish to share our happiness with you all.

Hebah Al Sharqawi

Shaab, Kuwait


Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Eilene VanWyk

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Yuen Soo Chun

Kwai Chung, Hong Kong