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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie, Pup finally made it to Puert Rico! They love him. He is gorgeous, I attached the pic. Stephanie, USA

hello, attached is a photo of Impreza. She has settled in very well and gets along very well with the other two dogs. As you can see in the photo, she has already taken over the command.

Eddie and Tibor; Thank you so much for all your help with Mona. She is such a little ball of energy!! I am so in love with her!! Caitlin

Hi Eddie,Dusty completes 12 months 17Sept and just wanted to share his pictures at this age. He’s a wonderful dog and very beautiful. Most importantly he is very baby (babies from a few months as well as grown up children) and animal (cats – he lives with 3 of them with no issue) tolerant!Wanted to check if he comes from...

Carlos Lopez- Lay

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Cornelia Brenner

Niederndorferberg, Austria

Caitlin Hunt

Summerville, United States

Maria Nazareth (Louella)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates