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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Thank you so much for bringing this joy to us. We decided to call her Whiskey 😀 finally. And we must say she is a bundle of joy . We enjoy each and every single moment with her. She is an adorable cutie pie with full of life. Attached here are some images of hers and surely will send you...

Hi SandorI am totally thrilled with the pups. The Karamynd boy was the first one my husband and I grabbed out of the bunch and we're very pleased with him. Then the Maraschino girl and Pepsi sisters are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks again for everything. I will definitely recommend your services and if I decide to get more pups I will...

Hi Eddie,Just wanted to say hello, and to thank you so very much for everything that you have done for me. The whole process from start to finish was made so easy by you and your company. You re-assured me every step of the way. Whether it was about the qaulity of the puppies, the shipping process, pics of the...

Dear Eddie,Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought Sandy was easy. Please let the 2 Havanese breeders that produced our puppies know how impressed we are with them. And of course, a big thank you to you all at...

Jofil Thekkekara

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Blossom Cheverie

Seeleys Bay, United States

Earl Vought

Medford, United States

Dana Lutton

Doha, Qatar