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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie & Mario:We love our puppy...he is perfect...I am still stunned that he got off the airplane, out of his crate, wagging his tail the whole time...when we got him back to the farm it was like okay I'm home now let's play...he is already going in and out his kennel door...we have 3 small indoor/outdoor kennels in my...

Thank you for the birthday wishes of our Zsuzsi! She is a pleasure to have around, a sweet and beautiful girl. We love her very much! Thanks again, Judith

Eddie, He has been such a great addition to our family. He is a great dog! I am sorry that it has taken so long for me to get you some pictures, military life gets a little crazy here and then. He has became a well traveled dog. I have attached more pictures that I came across, so they can...

Dear EddieHere are 2 photos from Adelina in her first show. She had excellent criticism. We got our first BSB.Best Regards,Valentinos PanagiGood Evening Ed,I have some good news. Adelina got her second B.O.B and B.J.O.B! We are very proud :)The Judge said that she has excellent type, excellent feminine head, strong muzzle, excellent mouth, good expression, good neck, enough body...

Dr. Douglas & Marlene Chilcoat

Talkeetna, United States

Judith Reynolds

Friday Harbor, United States

Todd & Zoila Barber

Baumholder, Germany

Valentinos Panagi

Nicosia, Cyprus