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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve, Here are few photos from Micro He ate and is already adjusting. He loves his new bed and toys. I will send more photos later. Please thank the breeder for taking good care of him on my behalf Thanks Elizas

My husband and I are on assignment in Doha,Qatar. Finding a pure bred dog in the Middle East is very difficult. We wanted a specific breed and color which we could not find here. After talking to breeders in the US and searching on-line for over a month, we decided to select our puppy through EuroPuppy. We are so pleased...

Hi! Thank you for that email. Luna woke up to my kids singing happy birthday to her. This is an incredible dog. We love her dearly. She loves the beach and the veld walks. She comes with us to visit friends too. She's very well socialized and she gets attention wherever she goes. We can't imagine life without her! Kindest...

Hi Steve, LuLu (previously named Mignon) is settling well to life in Dubai.She arrived in the wee hours of the morning with Terry (Thanks, Terry!) and hasn't looked back since. LuLu was given a clean bill of health by our vet and continues to grow each day.She enjoys playing with EVERYONE and socializes well with other puppies and dogs.Initially, we...

Eliza Siqueira Artiaga

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Carla J. Thompson

Doha, Qatar

leigh oosthuizen

Langebaan , South Africa

Jennette Drew

Dubai, United Arab Emirates