We understand just how vital the safe shipping of your dog is. Importing dogs to Saudi Arabia is a serious business, and it is important to get everything right. It may seem overwhelming and complex since there are many import rules to follow. But the expert Euro Puppy team has all the facts for transporting a dog to Saudi Arabia.
Whilst we know you would like your dog with you quickly, we have to comply with the regulations in Saudi Arabia, which are in place for the safety of your dog.
We have two decades of experience shipping to over 110 countries, worldwide. We regularly ship dogs to the KSA, and we are proud to have many wonderful Euro Puppy dogs in Saudi Arabia.
Before you check out our Dogs for Sale in Saudi Arabia, here is a summary of the requirements…
- An Import Permit is required from the Ministry of Agriculture. This is needed to book the flight, and for customs clearance on arrival. It must be applied for at least 14 days in advance of the flight. (It must be applied for in person by the dog owner, or their agent. We will provide full details for what is required to obtain this.)
- Standard Vaccinations – Dogs must be vaccinated for DA2PPL/DAPPL (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and leptospirosis).
- Deworming is not mandatory but is advised to be given within 14 days before shipping to Saudi Arabia. (Done by Euro Puppy).
- A rabies vaccine must be administered at no earlier than 12 weeks of age. (Done by Euro Puppy)
- Microchip must be in place, and listed in the vaccination book (Provided by Euro Puppy)
- Within 14 days before travel a licensed veterinarian must complete a Veterinary Health Certificate for Saudi Arabia. (Provided by Euro Puppy)
- The vaccination book / pet passport must travel with the dog (Provided by Euro Puppy)
- Importing Dogs to Saudi Arabia must be done only through safe and secure manifest cargo as per the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations. (Always shipped this way through Euro Puppy)
- The Minimum age for shipping a dog to Saudi Arabia is 4 months of age.