Er ist für wai reserviert. Danke schön! Dieses Mal haben Sie es leider verpasst!
Wenn Sie jedoch einen ähnlichen Hund wie Allie möchten, können wir immer noch Ihren Traumwelpen finden. Klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche unten.

Anmerkungen des Züchters

Manny is the cutest pup of this Yorkshire Terrier litter.I both breed and show the lovely Yorkshire Terrier.And this is an amazing pedigree, packed with multiple National Champion winning Yorkshire Terriers.This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and dewormings to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee.
Yorkshire Terrier
blue and tan
3 Jahre
Dec 27, 2020
Gewicht der Mutter
3 kg (7 lbs)
Gewicht der Vaters
3 kg (7 lbs)

Eine Verpflichtung fürs Leben

Alle unsere Welpen haben eine lebenslange Garantie. Auch wenn ihr Hund bedauerlicherweise an einer tödlichen Krankheit oder an einer angeborenen Krankheit, die die Lebensqualität des Hundes verändert, sind Sie versichert. Wir versichern Ihr Hund auch gegen Patellenluxation und gegen ernsthafte Hüft- und Ellbogendysplasie. Und das ist für das ganze Leben Ihres Hundes. Wir hoffen, daß Sie dieser Tragödie nicht begegnen oder daß unsere Garantie in Kraft tritt, so versichern wir Ihnen, daß Sie die besten Welpen bekommen, die aus genetisch gesunden Blutlinien stammen.

Lernen Sie mehr über unsere Garantie

Mehrere Yorkshire Terrier Welpen kaufen

Was andere über uns sagen...

Hey Eddie, Just wanted to send an update on Goliath (now known as Rizzo) he has adjusted perfectly and is loving life. Just got back from a hiking trip with the little guy and he did fantastic and had a lovely time getting dirty and playing with his doggy friends. Rizzo (Goliath) was the pup that got stuck in Prague because of the Iceland volcano back in April but he arrived healthy, just a little shaken up. He practically jumped […]

Hi Shane, Another year already!! Jeez where does the time go?! Kelvin is happy and healthy I’m pleased to report. And the best COVID-19 lock down friend anyone could ever ask for. We enjoyed his birthday by going to the beach and nap time with his unicorn pyjamas! We are very happy together, in love and the best adventure buddies sharing our life in Australia together! He’s the king! The centre of my universe! He’s a happy little pup! I […]

Hi Eddie So sorry have been away but will have this to you by the end of the week. I must just add that Cookie is just the most adorable puppy i have set eyes on. She is so healthy and looks so happy prancing around the apartment – beautiful shiny coat and such a sweet nature. She also hasn’t barked once as yet. I have attached a pic and will send some from my actual camera when i can […]

Hello Lasheika, Yes, my baby girl is 7 today. Goodness, how the time has flown. Poppy is doing extremely well. All surgeries were completed on her hind legs last year and no further surgeries are needed for the foreseeable future. Through all her surgeries she has been a brave little soldier and is adored by vets, doctors, and nurses alike. She is famous in our village too. Once, a couple came up to me and asked if Poppy was okay […]

Kim Bigelow

Rome, Italy

Lucy Casey

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Anita Quade

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Celine Horan

Zurich, Switzerland

Höhepunkte der Rasse

12-15 Jahre
2 to 3
Hunde: 4-7 Pfunde
Hündin: 3-6 Pfunde
Hunde: 6-9 zoll
Hündin: 5-7 zoll
England and Scotland
AKC Toy Dogs
FCI Group III.: Terriers
Andere Namen