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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hi ! Thanks so much for following up on “boomer”.. aka Charlie Brown He’s everything and more for us …. He highly sociable … plays along well with the other doggies .. loves the children … He plays everyday with his “friends” at a local park here in Madrid … we only wish we had more room for another of...

She is the BEST!!! Vet says she is perfect. Here she is in her new coat. And in bed with my 11-year-old doxie Henry Longfellow. Your service was superb! liz

Harley is doing very well. He is beautiful, smart, affectionate, and tortures his brother mercilessly.

Hi Shane!!! Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes. Brenda, now known as Peanut, is the best companion I could ever ask for! Very loyal, loving, playful, and just makes my day 1000x better!! I’ll attach some photos and videos of my baby, enjoy! And please never hesitate to contact me for more updates! Best, Maryam.


Madrid, Spain

Liz Titus

New York, United States

Diana Vakser

Manalapan , United States

Maryam Alawadhi

Kuwait, Kuwait

Über Dackel

There are three varieties of Dachshund the short-haired, the wired-haired, and the long-haired. With each of these varieties there are three sizes. The sporty and devoted Dachshund is an elongated, vigorous, muscular dog with short legs. He/she carries him/herself proudly and has an intelligent expression.

Their eyes are dark red or brown-black with an energetic and friendly expression. The short-haired Dachshund’s coat should be shiny, sleek and uniform. Solid-colored Dachshunds may be tan or yellow. Bi-color Dachshunds may be deep black, brown, or gray with areas of bright chestnut. There are also piebald, speckle-streaked, or harlequin varieties.

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