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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hello Eddie,Its really late / early over here so... a quick note to let you knowhe's turned up and is all ok and very playful. We send you a proper mailtomorrow after we get back from the vets.He is very happy and full of energy, he is already steeling small toys from Bella and stacking them in his own little...

Eddie, Just wanted to share with you some pictures of Ducheess (now Ruperta) I don't know if you remember but you sent her to Panamá last year, she has been the best dog ever, my best fríend with the best personality, loves the beach and has a lot of labrador and pug friends. I am sending you these pictures and...

Hey buddy, its Terry and Smirna Devine from Bosnia. We just wanted to let you know that Frank,(Prince now), that we bought from you, is now a proud father of pups just as of 10 hours ago. Terry D

Hello to you all, Steve, I just wanted to share with you our Beautiful Bella.. She just turned 1 years old this last week. We love her so much. She has filled our life with laughter. Thank you so much for her. She went to the states this summer with me and travelled perfectly. If we can arrange to have...

Vanessa Barwick & Nigel Wright

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Gabriela Moreno Lara Barragán

Panama City, Panama

Smirna Pekaric Devine

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Laurie Ann Nelson

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Über Deutscher Zwergspitz

The Pomeranian is a Spitz type breed. It has been determined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed. The German Sptiz breed comes in five sizes and the Pomeranian is the smallest of all, also called as Dwarf Spitz.

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