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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Dear Steve She is well arrived yesterday morning. Beautiful girl, we love her already. We have called her Billie J She is calm and feel at home. Slept all night. Today she played in the snow in the garden, joyful Thank you. I am so relived and can finally relax. Many thanks for you clam reassurances. Kindly regards Jorunn

Dear Sandor,My apologies for not updating you sooner on our coton de tulear we brought home in November. Our Sadie arrived a little scared, and slept alot from her long journey, but she settled right in with the family after her rest. She is playful, smart, and very loving. My three year old son is her adopted litter mate. She...

HI Eddie. Hope all is ok with you. I have attached a picture of Roxxie- she is absolutely gorgeous - a little monkey!!. We are looking to have another female Coton but in beige and white this time to be delivered in July 16th ish. Can you please look for one for us. Thank you and best regards Barbara, Dubai,...

Dear Monika,I can't tell you how pleased I am with Isabella. She did so well after such a long trip, it's amazing. Although she was very tired, she was very accepting of her new family and her new surroundings. Today she is perking up and running around with her new brother, our Black Russian. Isabella is absolutely beautiful and the...

Jorunin Pederson

Oslo, Norway

Jeni Shipp

Scottsdale, United States

Barbara Anne Godenzie

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Diane Lerman

Monte Sereno, United States

Über Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear is a relative to the Bichon-type dogs and the Italian Bolognese. Coton is the French word for Cotton. Like the name suggests the most conspicuous feature of the Coton De Tulear is its coat, which is cottony or fluffy rather than silky; it has a long topcoat.

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