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Hi Eddie, It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us. She 9 month and healthy. Again thanks to the breeder how did a very good job. Best regards from sunny Qatar. Gort family Doha

Hello Eddie, And here some impressions from my sweet home Regards, Gudrun

Cooper is wonderful and doing well. I’ve also included a couple pictures of his first litter of puppies. Cooper has a forever home with us and while we do breed he has a great dog life with love and space to roam and lives a happy dog life! Linda

Bia is doing great! We are completely in love with this gentle, well behaved girl :) The first two days Bia arrived she was a bit scared and not used to the new environment she has just arrived to. During our road trip to Madrid, she started getting used to us and now she is completely adjusted to her new...

Joyce & Richard Gort

Doha, Qatar

Gudrun Wieselthaler

Parndorf, Austria

Linda Sanchez

Lakehills, United States

Nashwa Mohammad

Hamburg , Germany

Über Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is an elegant, graceful, well-balanced dog. It is heavy-boned and incredibly muscular, with a large head, strong neck and deep, broad chest giving the appearance of incredible strength.

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