Golden Retriever kaufen

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Dear Shane good morning, I was really nice that Euro puppy remembered Sherlock's birthday. Sherlock is a really happy Goldie and is really comfortable and integrated with the whole family. He like to swim a lot, very playful.. Attached please find requested photos Regards Frank Axiak

Hi Eddie, Sorry I'm late responding to your email. Hamlet has been wonderful! I think he is a very happy puppy! Our family adores him! Here is a picture we took of him in our back yard! I will send you some more as he grows! I completed the survey for you as well. Thanks for all your help, Todd

Hi Steve Uncle, I am Supratim,s son. Dear Steve Poppins is doing great he has settled in very well he is being very naughty and chewing eevrywhere he listens to all of us and sleeps the whole day. Here are some pictures

Hello again, Just wanted to give an update on my new golden retriever puppy. She arrived at Oslo on Friday at 12.03 PM after a long journey. And what a beauty I received. Very trusting, calm, joyful, loving (great socialized), healthy and in excellent condition. Customs clearance went just fine - very professional paperwork/delivery from Europuppy. On a scale of...

Frankie Axiak

Qrendi , Malta

Todd & Nancy Stanfield

Knoxville, United States

Supratim Chatterjee

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Bertil Solheim

Arendal , Norway

Über Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, powerful, sturdy, well-balanced, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. It is loyal, sweet, and eager to please. This dog is gentle with children; it enjoys the endless attention children provide.

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