Jack-Russell-Terrier kaufen

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hello! My little Nino is doing great! He is a happy active and very very smart creature! We him like a baby! He come out to the boat with us and walk on the beach! He has a great hunting instinct!

Hello, Marvins name is now Leccare. He is fun, loving and energetic! He is loved by his 2 brothers and mom and dad. He just got a puppy brother that is also just turned 2. I have attached some pictures for you.

Hi Eddie, We first contacted Europuppy three years ago. Since then Euro Puppy (mainly Sandor and yourself) have seen us through a lot of the highs and lows of dog ownership, for which we are greatful. This is why we came back for our new puppy. We collected 'Milo' last night, even the vet was watching for John's reaction, he...

Hi Steve, Rosco is doing very well. He is very playful and energetic and keeps the family quite busy entertained. I am on the look out to get a similar female pup as a companion for him now. He has his regular visits to the vet and is in good health. His training is going well, he picked up a...

Beatrice Franceschi

Muscat , Oman

Frank Fontes

Genthod, Switzerland

Karen Barkas & John Ord

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Colin Silveira

Al Janabiya, Bahrain

Über Jack-Russell-Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small, compact agile, brave terrier, who is good at hunting small animals like foxes and raccoons. Like other terriers they may bore easily and are capable of inventing their own entertainment.

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