Labradoodle kaufen

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Eddie,I love the puppy.. It arrived right on time in Memphis, Tomi came out of his cage and we have been friends since. We drove back to Springfield and got home around Midnight. Tomi slept in my bedroom and never made a sound all night. He is just beautiful, I am very proud of him. He goes to the vet...

Dear Gabor, Maple has been so good in her first week... already sleeping through the night and doing what she’s best at : being cute 🥰! The girls are delighted (after the initial surprise) and enjoy taking care of her! See attached pictures and video, hope they help in keeping in touch with our new furry family member. She loves...

Hi eddie Paul came already and edwin is so cute :D But rigth now his tired ill send u some pic soon thank you so much eddie :D Paulina, Schweinfurt, Germany

Hey,I was just sending some pictures your way of our baby, Blanche. She is very short and stocky. Everyone loves her and some friends of our have some French, but they don't look nothing like her. Let me know what you think of her. If you have any good looking males send them our way. Can you email the pictures...

Darla Gott

Springfield, United States

Yanick Cote

Doha, Qatar

Paulina Arellano

Schweinfurt, Germany

Johni and Brad Adkisson

Choctaw, United States

Über Labradoodle

The Labradoodle has boomed dramatically in popularity in recent years. A cross between a Labrador and a Poodle, they can come in a range of sizes, from miniature to medium sized. They also appear in a range of coat types, and most are considered reasonably hypoallergenic, one of the originally reasons for this dogs creation.

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