Brindle, fawn, white and combinations of brindle or fawn with white. Rare colors are blue and chocolate: Blue French bulldogs are just as popular as Chocolate French Bulldogs.
Französische Bulldogge Steckbrief
10-14 Jahre
2 to 5
England in the 1860s
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
Bouledogue Francais
The French Bulldog is a sturdy little Bulldog with large, erect, rounded, bat ears, a flat, powerful muzzle and a pug nose. The skin is soft and fairly loose, making the dog very pleasant to pet. The square flat head is not as massive as the English Bulldog’s, the forehead is rounded. It has the appearance of an active, intelligent, muscular dog of heavy bone, smooth coat, compactly built and of medium or small structure.
It is to some limits a smaller version of the English Bulldog. French Bulldogs make good watchdogs and wonderful companion to small children. In a family situation this little dog behaves like a child, demanding a great deal of personal attention and interaction.
The Frenchie is a very playful and affectionate dog, it is sweet and absolutely hilarious; it has a very comical personality, it loves to clown around. It is bright and easygoing, curious and alert. This breed gets along well with strangers and other pets, though some males may be aggressive.
This breed needs lots of companionship. The French Bulldog is fairly willful, but can be trained if the owner is patient. It needs gentle, consistent training. It may drool and slobber. This little dog is also a ruthless hunter of mice!
Short, smooth, close and finely textured.
They are prone to eye and respiratory problems which should be closely monitored by regular vet visits. It may wheeze, snore and be gassy. The French Bulldog cannot swim because of its physique, so be very careful around swimming pools. Sometimes bitches must deliver by Cesarean section because of the puppies’ large heads.
To minimize the risk of your Frenchie developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a French Bulldog puppy from a reputable French Bulldog breeder.
This breed is sensitive to temperature extremes. Overheating this dog may cause heat stroke; so it prefers cooler climates. This dog is ideal for apartment life. It can be fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard.
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