Irischer Wolfshund

A ancient, gigantic, shaggy haired hound

Irischer Wolfshund Welpen kaufen

Irischer Wolfshund Steckbrief

6-10 Jahre
3 to 4
Hunde: 90-150 Pfunde
Hündin: 80-130 Pfunde
Hunde: 28-35 zoll
Hündin: 26-33 zoll
AKC Hound Dogs
FCI Group VIII.: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs
TKC Hound
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Irischer Wolfshund

The massive and muscular Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest and tallest of dogs in the world. This gentle giant can reach the size of a small pony. By the age of six months they can weigh as much as ninety pounds and do not reach maturity until twenty to twenty-four months. Despite the great size, this breed is very gentle in nature.

Irischer Wolfshund Hund

It is known as the gentle giant, they are a perfect gentleman who show no signs of aggression. These dogs are willing to please the owners and make a good family dog for those who have adequate space and a lifestyle to feed them as they are rather expensive to look after.

They have a rough, shaggy coat and wiry bushy eyebrows. Colors include gray, brindle, red, black or white. Gray is the most common color.


Irischer Wolfshund Hund

Irish Wolfhounds are sweet-tempered, patient, generous, thoughtful and very intelligent. They can be trusted with children, dignified and willing, they are unconditionally loyal to their owner and family. These dogs tend to greet everyone as a friend.

Irischer Wolfshund Hund

They are slow to mature, it takes two whole years before they are full grown. This breed is relatively easy to train. He/she responds well to firm, but gentle training. This approach with plenty of understanding will go a long way because this dog quickly grasps what you intend. This calm dog gets along well with other dogs. This is also true with other animals if the dog has gotten to know them when it was still young. However, it might “course” a smaller dog in an open yard.


Irischer Wolfshund farben

Gray, steel gray, brindle, red, black, pure white, fawn or wheaten.


Irischer Wolfshund Mantel

Rough and harsh. The rough, medium-length coat needs regular and thorough grooming with a brush and comb. This with keep the coat in good condition. About once or twice a year pluck the coat to remove excess dead hair. This breed is an average shedder.



They can be prone to cardiomyopathy, PRA and bone cancer, all conditions that should be checked on vet visits. Due to the size of the breed hip dysplasia can be an issue. To help prevent the chance of hip or elbow dysplasia developing make sure your dog is on a healthy, well proportioned diet, and avoid excessive running and jumping while still a puppy as this can be hard on the developing joints. To minimize the risk of your dog developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy an Irish Wolfhound dog from a reputable Irish Wolfhound breeder.


The Irish Wolfhound is not recommended for an apartment, but a large house and fenced life. These dogs are relatively lazy dogs indoors and will do best with at least a large yard. You must have a lot of room in your home, yard and car to successfully own this giant breed. They need to be part of the family and would be very unhappy in a kennel. Being sighthounds, they will chase ANYTHING and so need a secure, fenced area for exercise.

Living environment

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