All solid colors and mixtures permissible.
Tibet Spaniel Steckbrief
12-16 Jahre
2 to 4
Hunde: 11-15 Pfunde
Hündin: 9-13 Pfunde
Hunde: 9-10 zoll
Hündin: 9-10 zoll
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
The Tibetan Spaniel is not related to spaniels. This is a small dog that looks rather like a Pekingese, but with a slightly longer face, less profuse coat and no extra skin around the eyes. The coat comes in many shades, gold, cream, fawn, red, white, black and black & tan.
They may be solid, multi-colored or shaded. This is a breed who love comforts and companionship and display a charming, good nature. Tibetan Spaniels live to play and are heartier than their size may suggest.
The Tibetan Spaniel is perky, sweet, happy, very smart, and trusting. They are protective with their family, especially children, but aloof with strangers. He/she is not a yappy dog, yet he/she will bark at intruders and strange happenings. It can be rather insistent and willful at times.
This dog is a fine family companion, very independent and a good watchdog. It can move fairly quickly on its small, , usually getting along with other animals. These dogs can be slightly difficult to train. The female Tibetan Spaniel tends to come into heat only once a year.
Once a year their coat comes out in clumps. Regular brushing is needed. This breed is an average shedder.
Prone to any major health problems, but they may overheat or have respiratory problems because of their short faces. Progressive retinal atrophy, juvenile kidney disease, patellar luxation, hip dysplasia, liver shunt. To minimize the risk of your Spaniel developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a puppy from a reputable breeder.
The Tibbi is good for apartment life. They do not make a good kennel dog. Tibetan Spaniels are an indoor dog who will enjoy a fenced backyard.
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