Shiba Inu For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find the latest Shiba Inu puppies which we have for sale. At times we may only have a few Shiba Inu available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any Shiba Inu puppy listings shown, please complete the form accordingly to register your interest in buying an Shiba Inu.

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hi Shane, Lovely to hear from you again! Frodo has finally moved out from sandy Qatar and is now in our home country in Jakarta, Indonesia and he is having the time of his life exploring all the new smells :) Here are a few pictures and videos of Frodo from this year. You'd be happy to hear that he...

Hi Eddie, Fred is doing great, he has settled in really well, and is just the cutest and happiest bundle of fun. It is like he has always been part of our family. He does however have some interesting habits, but we have been informed it’s all part of the puppy process! He is amazing and we just love having...

Hi Steve, We got the pup. We love him so much he's so handsome and cute! Thank you so much! Gaidaa

Hi Shane, Dred is doing great! He is a very loving and loyal dog. He is very protective of his 2 acre home and roams it freely every day. He gets his exercise by chasing after golf carts along the fence line of our property...he is well known by all the golfers. He is a very smart dog and knocks...

Raymond Sundramurti

Jarkata, Indonesia

Christopher & Daniela Hunt

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Gaidaa Qattan

Amman, Jordan

Christy Schultz

Oregon, United States