Referencias de Euro Puppy
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: o ) Fertrac, now Doto (it’s Swahili, it describes very well his demeanor), is doing wonderfully. He went to the Vet upon arrival and is healthy, very “travieso” and gaining weight (his throat was a little red from the tip, but he is fine now). His Mom, my daughter, is delighted, I wish I’d taken a picture when he arrived, her mouth went wide open, her eyes twinkled …. Here is a foto the day after he arrived.I’ll send […]
Hello from Mexico City! We are so happy to celebrate Cana’s birthday! She is the best dog in the world! We really love her as a daughter :) she has a dog sister called Moka (Labrador) and a human sister :) They all have a lovely time playing together! Cana is the happiest dog and we are the happiest family with her in it! Thank you for the update! Regards! Carmen
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