Hi Eddie,
I just wanted to let you know that we have Choopy. You were right; she is sooo much better in person!!!We took her to the vet today and he seems to think shes just fine health wise, I did find one flea on her but all seems fine now. She is eating her first meal at home and is enjoying it in between pouncing. She will be going in for her needed boosters in a couple weeks! So far Choopy is one happy little puppy and we are very happy with her. Thank you so much for your help and keeping such good contact with us all the time. We greatly appreciate everything that you have done. When we picked Choopy up, we only had to pay for her terminal fee’s ($55.00) and that was it, we did not have to pay any duty or gst fee’s, so thank you for that as well!
Enclosed are some Choopy pictures from tonight!
Thank You Again!
Daiana And Rob