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    Curaco - Bulldog Francés, EuroPuppy review from Eslovenia
    Curaco - Bulldog Francés, EuroPuppy review from Eslovenia

    Hi Eddie, I am sending you pictures for your references. I have to say that we really love Curacao. He is so nice, friendly and he is always behind me…

    Hi Eddie,

    I am sending you pictures for your references. I have to say that we really love Curacao. He is so nice, friendly and he is always behind me ang going everywhere with me! Curacao is a very fast learner. In a very short time he learned commands: sit, lie down, roll over, spin, stay, giv me five, give paw…! He realy is a good boy! 🙂 He likes to play with our golden retriever and our cat and he loves to sleep in my lap 🙂 In the attachment I am sending you some pictures

    Have a nice day Sandra,

    Ljubljana, Slovenia