Referencias de Euro Puppy

Tenemos más opiniones fantásticas y divertidas en nuestra Página de Facebook y el Club de Euro Puppy en Facebook. Echa un vistazo ahora a nuestras fotos, videos y historias más recientes enviadas por los dueños de perros de Euro Puppy que aman la vida con su cachorro Euro.


Kuwait, Kuwait

Since her arrival sweet Maggie is happy and healthy with her big brother Albert (also adopted from Euro Puppy)


Kuwait, Kuwait

Hi There! Tux is doing great! He is a bundle of joy and follows me around the house like a shadow. We moved to Vietnam a couple of years ago and he is enjoying life in Ho Chi Minh. Best Wishes, Halima


Kuwait, Kuwait

Hello Gábor! I appreciate everything you and the europuppy team have done for me, you’ve been of great service since day 1! I couldn’t be happier with Brenda; now known as Peanut:) the first day she was quite shy but her personality started peaking through really quick! she’s very energetic and playful and extremely smart for a pup her age!! she also loves my cat! they’re best friends now haha. I’ll attach some photos and videos, enjoy! Thank you, Maryam.


Kuwait, Kuwait

Hi Shane! Panda is now called Wilson! Thank you for the bday message!- Wilson was very much delighted! 😊 Here are some pics. Wilson is doing great and we’re loving him more and more with each day that passes!

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para completar tu vida!