Qatar’s No.1 fashion magazine Glam, published by Oryx Advertising Company, has featured EuroPuppy in one if their articles titled ‘Pooch Power’. The author of the article tells her story of falling in love with Benjy, a maltese-yorkie mix and how this encounter inspired her to buy her own dog despite not being a great dog fan beforehand. She details her efforts of finding a dog in Qatar to no end. When she was about to give up, she came across EuroPuppy. Quote from the article:
“For weeks I scoured websites, classifieds and shelters for a Yorkshire Terrier, as this was the only dog I felt suited my busy lifestyle, susceptibility to allergies, and small apartment. My efforts were in vain, as it seemed this type of dog just was not available in Qatar. Enter Europupy. I spoke to Eddie at Europuppy and discussed my requirements. He sent me many photos of gorgeous pups who could be with me in just a few weeks. Patient and understanding, he didn’t once rush my decision. It was especially nice to see photos of the puppy’s sire and dam as it gives you a clear idea of what your puppy will look like in a few weeks as the tiniest of puppies can grow into the largest of dogs very quickly. A quick browse on offers a wealth of information of different breeds and temperaments and the excellent recommendations of their customers really took out all the stress, worry and doubt of purchasing a pooch online.” The full article can be downloaded from Glam Magazine in pdf format.