Champion Stammbaum

Anmerkungen des Welpen

Tux is the most confident and adventurous pup of this Boston Terrier litter.

The Boston Terrier is my only breed.

Owning a Boston Terrier puppy is a joyous adventure. Their compact size and affectionate nature make them perfect companions. They thrive on human interaction and love to play. Despite their small stature, they have a robust personality and are surprisingly energetic.

Boston Terriers are known for their tuxedo-like coat and distinctive "tuxedo" markings. They're also intelligent and easily trainable, making them ideal for first-time dog owners. With proper care and training, they quickly become cherished members of the family.

This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and dewormings to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee.
Boston Terrier
black and white
7 Monate
Jan 21, 2024

Eine Verpflichtung fürs Leben

Alle unsere Welpen haben eine lebenslange Garantie. Auch wenn ihr Hund bedauerlicherweise an einer tödlichen Krankheit oder an einer angeborenen Krankheit, die die Lebensqualität des Hundes verändert, sind Sie versichert. Wir versichern Ihr Hund auch gegen Patellenluxation und gegen ernsthafte Hüft- und Ellbogendysplasie. Und das ist für das ganze Leben Ihres Hundes. Wir hoffen, daß Sie dieser Tragödie nicht begegnen oder daß unsere Garantie in Kraft tritt, so versichern wir Ihnen, daß Sie die besten Welpen bekommen, die aus genetisch gesunden Blutlinien stammen.

Lernen Sie mehr über unsere Garantie

Mehrere Boston Terrier Welpen kaufen

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Thank you so much for bringing this joy to us. We decided to call her Whiskey 😀 finally. And we must say she is a bundle of joy . We enjoy each and every single moment with her. She is an adorable cutie pie with full of life. Attached here are some images of hers and surely will send you some amazing videos soon. Thank you once again for your service . Convey our whole hearted thanks to her breeders […]

Hi Eddie, Its Jenny. Tux made it safe and sound. He is adorable, and such a good boy, I wish we could afford his brother Baltasar too. He already did his no. 2 outside! Paul was great, I feel bad for him with his long trip, wanted to give him some lunch and coffee but he had 3 more pups to deliver :-) We have named Tux a different name, it is Mackey (as in tough guy Vic Mackey from […]

Hello! Pablo is doing excellent! I love him so much. He’s really the best. Super energetic, very playful. Everyone in fact labels him “The dog that’s always happy.” Abdallah

Hi … we are very happy having Cooper in our family. We have from you ( Euro Puppy ) Tiara ( Kendra ), too …. she is a little bit older. Look how nice is Cooper and how happy is with his girlfriend Tiara … the pictures are from the beginning till now .. the last picture with red ball and other toys nearby is from this morning … Kind regards,

Jofil Thekkekara

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jennifer & Francois Methot

Krefeld, Germany

Abdallah Bacha

Salmiya, Kuwait

Georgina Baltog

Bucharest , Romania

Höhepunkte der Rasse

10-15 Jahre
3 to 4
Hunde: 10-25 Pfunde
Hündin: 10-25 Pfunde
Hunde: 15-17 zoll
Hündin: 15-17 zoll
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
Andere Namen
Boston bull