Referencias de Euro Puppy

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Hamburg, Germany

Hi La Sheika, Bia is a wonderful companion. We could not be happier with her. Thanks for all the efforts from you and the team, we really appreciate the quality of your work. Bia is still growing, her hair is showing more defined dreads, that look just super cute. Here are more pics from recent times, all we do is take pictures of her hehehe. She now has a friend who is a Puli named Okos, they are so cute […]


Hamburg , Germany

Bia is doing great! We are completely in love with this gentle, well behaved girl :) The first two days Bia arrived she was a bit scared and not used to the new environment she has just arrived to. During our road trip to Madrid, she started getting used to us and now she is completely adjusted to her new family. Bia is a great member of our family Lasheika, and we are so happy she is in our life. […]

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