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  • star-cropped


    Chanel - Golden Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Philippines
    Chanel - Golden Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Philippines
    Chanel - Golden Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Philippines

    Hi there here’s Montana’s latest photos. But we call her “Chanel” now. She is so sweet

    Hi there here’s Montana’s latest photos. But we call her “Chanel” now. She is so sweet

  • star-cropped


    Oasis - Pastor Australiano, EuroPuppy review from Philippines
    Oasis - Pastor Australiano, EuroPuppy review from Philippines
    Oasis - Pastor Australiano, EuroPuppy review from Philippines

    Hi Lasheika! Oasis and Ceres are doing very well.. Thank you very much for an excellent service.. They both arrived safe and sound!! Currently they’re enjoying the company of our…

    Hi Lasheika! Oasis and Ceres are doing very well.. Thank you very much for an excellent service.. They both arrived safe and sound!! Currently they’re enjoying the company of our collies.