Referencias de Euro Puppy

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New York, United States

Dear Eddie, Here are some photos of Bosko “Baddy”. He know weighs 30 lbs and is a joy for the whole family. Thank You. Sincerely Doreen Miethe

Hi Steve!! Daryl and I meant to do this sooner but we kept forgetting to…here are some pictures of Hadouken. We saw on the side “references” of people’s comments of your guys service and we were hoping to be a part of that because we have lots of good things to say!! Also, we are so happy with Hadouken we are planning to buy another akita (preferably white and female) within the next 3-5 years time. I also found someone […]


New York, United States

Sandor, Emil is getting bigger everyday. He is doing great. He has a great temperment and a great little personality. Everyone who sees him says he is the cutest puppy they have ever seen, and my girlfriend and I agree.Currently we are working on “sit” and after just a couple of days, I think he knows it. We have been taking him to ‘Puppy playtime’ at the vet twice a week. It is for puppies who have not gotten all […]


New York, United States

Hi Marta, We have so much enjoyment and pleasure from our Sammi. He is the perfect dog. Everyone who meets him just loves him and can’t resist to play with him. He is very very sociable with other dogs and people and just looks for them to come out when he is walked and play with him. We are so happy that we have him. He has added a great deal to our lives. He has many toys and we […]


New York, United States

Hey guys, just wanted to sent some pictures of our baby with her big brother. She is doing so good, we love her so much she is a blessing! Mack lets her do what ever she wants to him, he is so good and gentle with her but then again I knew he would be! Thank you again for sending us the best puppy ever! You would never think she traveled for three days to get here, I was really […]


New York, United States

Hi Shane! Checkers (now Floppy) had the most wonderful bday! He’s the best boy and we’re so lucky to have him. Floppers is very happy, super energetic, and loves treats and cuddles. Here are some pics and videos of him that you can share with the breeder. Thank you!

We renamed Sergent Maximus when we got him. He is doing great he’s a healthy 165 pounds and loves his family. He is honestly the best dog we have ever had. Please let the breader know.


New York, United States

She is the BEST!!! Vet says she is perfect. Here she is in her new coat. And in bed with my 11-year-old doxie Henry Longfellow. Your service was superb! liz

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