Referencias de Euro Puppy

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San Qurino, Italy

Yogi has been an amazing addition to our lives. He has such a great personality and is a very healthy and vibrant dog. As you know, today is his 7th birthday, and we held a small celebration for him. I’ve attached a few pictures of Yogi for your enjoyment.


Torri Di Quartesolo, Italy

Hello. I wanted to pass along some pictures of our dog Marco (he was named Patriot when we purchased him) so the breeder can see how he looks as an adult and to let them know he is well loved. Our family has really enjoyed Marco since he arrived and he is always the center of attention. His favorite things to do are sleep (usually up against someone), play with bugs, and go to the local gelato shop (vanilla and […]


Vicenza , Italy

she is doing great, she healthy and spoiled, we love her so mush she is part of the family, thank you euro puppys for our furry baby , I can’t believe she is 7 years old I still remember her puppy years.

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para completar tu vida!