Dear All, We purchased Harmony in September 2010, she was 3 months old. Here are updated pictures of her. Hope the breeder would like them. Good luck with all of your work. Monique Zabal, Cairo, Egypt
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Monique Zabal
Dear Eddie & Tibor,
I just want to inform you that Harmony arrived safe, and we have her now at
our home.
Thank you for all of your efforts, it was a pleasure working with you.
Here is a pic till I get u another 🙂 and I will write a review..
Joyce & Richard Gort
Hi Eddie,
It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us. She 9 month and healthy. Again thanks to the breeder how did a very good job.
Best regards from sunny Qatar.
Gort family
Roman Alvarez Varea
: o) Fertrac, now Doto (it’s Swahili, it describes very well his demeanor), is doing wonderfully. He went to the Vet upon arrival and is healthy, very “travieso” and gaining weight (his throat was a little red from the tip, but he is fine now). His Mom, my daughter, is delighted, I wish I’d taken a picture when he arrived, her mouth went wide open, her eyes twinkled …. Here is a foto the day after he arrived.
I’ll send updated fotos in a week so you see his development,… When he comes of age, I suppose, jajajaja, I’ll be sure to let you know so that we find a suitable “bride” in México, thanks for asking and we will keep in touch, ciao
There goes a recent photo of Doto,..
Thanks, Roman – Mexico
Leo Van Beveren
Steve, Eddie, Just to inform you that Nugget has arrived safely yesterday evening. She is at home now and doing great. Some pics from Nugget in Bahrain. She is doing great. Feels at home already. Thanks for your good care and arrangement.
Raymond Sundramurti
Hi Shane,
Lovely to hear from you again! Frodo has finally moved out from sandy Qatar and is now in our home country in Jakarta, Indonesia and he is having the time of his life exploring all the new smells 🙂
Here are a few pictures and videos of Frodo from this year.
You’d be happy to hear that he is very healthy and full of life! We look forward to hearing from you guys again next year.
Best wishes,
Sundramurti Family
Sahem Nasser
Thank you for your nice email. Today we will be celebrating jazzy’s one year birthday. She has grown to become a beautiful member of our family and my daughters best friend.