Hi Steve & Eddy, Merry Christmas to you & to the EuroPuppy team! Thank you guys for your good service, and a big thank you to Terry who did his job professionally 😉 Inch or PACO as I have named him, has safely arrived to Dubai. He is the most adorable & cutest pup I’ve ever laid eyes on. I was so thrilled to see that he was a miniature for real! Yes… much smaller than I expected him to be & that made me feel so relieved as I had doubts about his size. I know now for a fact, that photos make the puppies look much bigger than they truly are. I simply adore him ;)) He is the best Christmas gift I have ever had. He is very playful, energetic & friendly pup, he got along so fast with my other 5 months old chihuahua. Today I took him to the vet for check up & everything seemed well. Here are some pics of him that I have taken today. Best Regards, Bassima