Dotty - Nuestro Bulldog Francés

Vancouver, Canada

Dotty - Nuestro Bulldog Francés
Vancouver, Canada
Fecha de Nacimiento
Mar 30, 2006
James Todd Kennelly
Vancouver, Canadá

Reseña del dueño

Hi Sandor,

We picked up Dotty at the airport yesterday and she was a little tired but has fit into our family with ease. Except for her bigger sister for now going after her ears. Dotty knows how to make Roxy know that it’s not appreciated. Fairly excited that she has walked right over to a potty tray and gone pee. She seems very smart and is already sharing toys and hanging out with her new buddy Roxy. I am sure that Dotty and Roxy are going to be the best of buds.

It’s funny that I picked DOTTY from the internet and she looks better than the picture and we are so impressed. We are very happy and found your service very good. Thanks again for helping us choose a great puppy or did the puppy choose us.

Here are some pictures of the two this morning after just meeting last night.

Take care, and we will be waiting for all the registration papers.


Perros en Venta por Raza

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
10-14 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
2 to 5
País de Origen
England in the 1860s
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
Otros Nombres
Bouledogue Francais

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