Hi there Thanks for your email about Betty’s birthday. She is now called Ottie! As you can see she is in great form and loves the desert. Ottie of Arabia. Please tell her breeders she is much loved Adrian Gane
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Adrian Gane
Hi there Thanks for your email about Betty’s birthday. She is now called Ottie! As you can see she is in great form and loves the desert. Ottie of Arabia. Please tell her breeders she is much loved Adrian Gane
Maryam Alawadhi
Hi Shane!!!
Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes.
Brenda, now known as Peanut, is the best companion I could ever ask for! Very loyal, loving, playful, and just makes my day 1000x better!! I’ll attach some photos and videos of my baby, enjoy!
And please never hesitate to contact me for more updates!
Maryam Alawadhi
Hello Gábor!
I appreciate everything you and the europuppy team have done for me, you’ve been of great service since day 1!
I couldn’t be happier with Brenda; now known as Peanut:)
the first day she was quite shy but her personality started peaking through really quick! she’s very energetic and playful and extremely smart for a pup her age!! she also loves my cat! they’re best friends now haha.
I’ll attach some photos and videos, enjoy!
Thank you,
Hi! Thanks so much for following up on “boomer”.. aka Charlie Brown He’s everything and more for us …. He highly sociable … plays along well with the other doggies .. loves the children … He plays everyday with his “friends” at a local park here in Madrid … we only wish we had more room for another of him…. Take Care Signed, Gary, Elisa & Boomer
Diana Vakser
Harley is doing very well. He is beautiful, smart, affectionate, and tortures his brother mercilessly.
Liz Titus
She is the BEST!!! Vet says she is perfect. Here she is in her new coat. And in bed with my 11-year-old doxie Henry Longfellow. Your service was superb! liz